From: Alex Kahl Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 3:56 AM To:;;;; Quentin Hanich; Hirohide Matsushima; Ilkang Na;;; Pamela Maru;; Garry Preston;;;;;; ???; Aketa Tanga; Akira Bamba; Alexa Cole - NOAA Federal; Allan Rahari; Ana Taholo; Andrew Wright (Andy Wright); Benjamin F.S. Tabios Jr. - Alt; Bubba Cook; Chris Wold; Christa Svensson; Claire van der Geest; Clifford Baird (Cliff); Dale Marsden; Eidre Sharp; Emily Crigler - NOAA Federal; Feleti Teo; FERNANDES, Vivian;; Holly Koehler; Hsiang-yi Yu; Hugh Walton; James Gibbon; Justino Helgen;; Kim Jung-re Riley; Laurence Edwards;; Mat Kertesz; Mbwenea Teioki;; Mr. Glen Joseph; Nate Miller; Orlando Fachada; Penny Ridings; Peter H. Flournoy; Peter Williams; Robert Day; Salote Koloamatangi; Stamatios Varsamos; Timothy Park; Tony Taleo; Ueta Faasili; WILLIAMS, Sarah (PACREG); William Naviti; Zhao Gang; Takumi Fukuda Cc: Kerry Smith; Tom Graham; Lara Manarangi-Trott Subject: TS IWG: Redline Review of the Scope of Work for Information Analysis Attachments: TSIWG_Scope of Work for TSIWG Review 14 October 2020.docx Aloha TS IWG Members I hope all are healthy and embracing the additional time with our family and friends at home as one of the upsides to our increasingly virtual work. Like the rest of you, I do look forward to in- person meetings once it is safe to travel and gather in large groups. As presented at TCC16, this group is focused on finalizing the Scope of Work (SOW) for the transshipment information analysis, that will in turn be used by the Secretariat and the WCPFC Scientific Services Provider (SPC-OFP). Given the lack of progress since we last met in person (for which your Chair takes full responsibility), and the significant level of input received in January 2020 on the SOW, we may have to take a small step back to align everyone's expectations, before cautiously taking two steps forward to finalize the attached SOW. A couple of notes about the attached SOW: - Due to the large amount of input, a "clean" version of the SOW is attached. All substantive new text is highlighted (note dates have been changed to reflect a future timeline, but have not been highlighted for readability). A number of bullets for which there were irreconcilable feedback, have been removed. Other bullets have edited for clarity. - This "clean" version of the SOW addresses all input received in December 2019 and January 2020, including on text that had been agreed in Port Moresby. Previously agreed text is black and text under consideration is in blue. The sole exception is the last bullet of Phase 1, for which some CCMs expressed concern about the use of VMS and reliability of data sources. However, we've attempted to address these concerns by clarifying the roles of the Secretariat and the WCPFC Scientific Services Provider throughout the study. In particular, I'd like to draw your attention to the new paragraph 7 outlining the Data Preparation phase, which would be conducted by the Secretariat and WCPFC Scientific Services Provider, and NOT the consultant. - As noted in the previous point, in consultation with the Secretariat and the WCPC Scientific Services Provider, the study will be undertaken in multiple phases, as explained in new paragraphs 7-13. In light of the significant input received, we appear to have captured the substantive questions, and narrowed potential gaps for this SOW as a framework for the information analysis required to inform our review of CMM 2009-06 in 2021. With the above in mind, I kindly ask for your red line review of the SOW by 6 November 2020. A red line review seeks input related to text that is unacceptable and would be a "deal-breaker" if it is not removed from the SOW. This red line review should result in a final SOW that will be circulated to the IWG for CCM concurrence before being formally provided to the WCPFC Secretariat in late November. As always, I also welcome comments from any member of the IWG on any aspect of the SOW or the IWG more broadly. Once the SOW is submitted to the Secretariat, the Secretariat will work with the WCPFC Scientific Services Provider to finalize cost estimates for the full study. At this moment, the Secretariat and WCPFC Scientific Services Provider have identified that the United States' voluntary contribution will be sufficient to begin undertaking Phases 1 and 2, but that additional funding will likely be needed by mid-2021 to complete all three phases of the study. The exact amount of this expected funding shortfall will be shared with the IWG as soon as it is known. A preliminary estimate places the shortfall below the United States' $78,000 voluntary contribution for this work. Fortunately, our timeline provides several months for IWG members to work together to identify additional funds to complete this necessary information review. I am also available for virtual meetings, if that would be easier for IWG members to discuss their redline review or any other aspects of the IWG. Finally, as RMI noted at TCC16, transshipment has emerged as a key area of concern related to intersessional decisions and the lasting effects of COVID in the operations of vessels under the Convention. With this in mind, I intend to send another email to this group soliciting input for how the IWG can address such concerns under our review of CMM 2009-06, and how best to coordinate with other working groups on cross-cutting transshipment issues such as electronic monitoring and observers. Clearly a review of CMM 2009-06 is increasingly important for the Commission and to its members, and I look forward to continuing our collective efforts both virtually and eventually in-person. Aloha, alex L. Alex Kahl, Ph.D. International Fisheries Division, Pacific Islands Regional Office NOAA Fisheries | U.S. Department of Commerce Office: (808) 725-5031