Summary of Ninth Regular Session of Northern Committee

The Ninth Regular Session of the Northern Committee (NC9) took place in Fukuoka, Japan, from 2–5 September 2013. Mr Masanori Miyahara chaired the meeting.

The International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC) presented the 13th meeting report including the results of stock assessments that were conducted during 2012-2013 and the Secretariat provided a summary report of the SC9 meeting outputs, especially related with NC9. Each Member reported their domestic actions taken for management of Pacific bluefin tuna according to the bluefin tuna measure, and the Committee adopted a revised draft Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna to be recommended to the Commission. The Committee considered a precautionary management framework for North Pacific albacore and appropriate limit reference points for North Pacific swordfish, which will be revisited at NC10.

The work plan for 2014 was adopted and Japan offered to host NC10 in early September 2014.

News Item Updated 17 Sep, 2013
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