Intersessional work on improving labour standards for crew on fishing vessels (2021-2024)
At WCPFC17 (December 2020), the Commission noted the TCC16 recommendation in paragraph 236 of the TCC16 Summary Report that had recommended consideration by WCPFC17 regarding the treatment of crew on fishing vessels and to further strengthen observer safety. The Commission agreed to intersessional work to be led by Co-Leads Indonesia and an FFA Member through various means to promote discussion among members and enable the sharing of information, with initial discussion points to be developed in consultation with the Commission Chair and the Secretariat.
During 2021, the intersessional work on improving labour standards for crew on fishing vessels has been progressed under the leadership of Putuh Suadela (Indonesia) and Emma Hodder (New Zealand) in consultation with interested Members, Cooperating Non-Members and Participating Territories (CCMs) and other stakeholders.
On July 13 2021, a Workshop on Labour Standards for Crew on Fishing Vessels was convened. The papers discussed at that meeting can be found here
In 2022, the intersessional work on improving labour standards for crew on fishing vessels will be continuing, under the leadership of Putuh Suadela (Indonesia) and Sarah McAvinchey (New Zealand). A dedicated Online Discussion Forum page established to support the WCPFC intersessional work on labour standards for crew on fishing vessels in the WCPFC. If there are any updates from CCMs to their nominated representatives to participate in the intersessional work, and for access to the dedicated Online Discussion Forum page, please provide the name(s), CCM affiliation and email address to the Co-Chairs.
In late July 2022, a Workshop on Labour Standards for Crew on Fishing Vessel was convened. The papers for that meeting can be found here. Updates that the co-chairs provided to TCC18 and WCPFC19 meetings in 2022, may be accessed from the table below.
On 14 April 2023, the Co-Chairs have circulated a revised draft CMM proposal for comment by IWG participants (183.96 KB
54.3 KB). Comments were requested to the co-chairs by Friday, 12 May 2023.
On 7 September 2023, a 3rd Workshop on Labour Standards for Crew on Fishing Vessel was convened virtually. The papers for that meeting can be found here.
In December 2023, the Co-Chairs provided an update to WCPFC 20 on the progress to develop a CMM. A copy is provided below.
In 2024, the intersessional work on improving labour standards for crew on fishing vessels will be continuing, under the leadership of Putuh Suadela (Indonesia) and Heather Ward (New Zealand).
Key past documents relevant to the Intersessional Work are provided below.