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  1. Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) stock status assessment (Rev 1)

    inhabits what is effectively a refuge from fishing south of 45oS. The risk assessment modelling results ... population's ability to withstand fishing pressure is exceeded, rather than evaluating biomass and whether the ... inputs would have allowed for robust estimation. The risk assessment model estimated that fishing ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 15 Aug 2017 - 4:10pm

  2. North Pacific Shortfin Mako Assessment (2015)

    biased due to low coverage rates and non-random assignment of observers to fishing vessels. However, the ... ........................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Fishing effort ... examination of catch records by size and sex demonstrates some regional and seasonal segregation across the ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:43pm

  3. Shark Research Plan 2016-2020 (2015)

    state that: "the members of the Commission shall… assess the impacts of fishing, other human ... responsibilities of fishing and coastal States for sustaining shark populations, ensuring full utilisation of ... shark identification guides to longline fleets fishing within the waters of most SIDS;  Developed ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 4:35pm

  4. 2nd Quarter 2009

    the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels. The Secretariat greatly appreciates Rhea‟s highly successful ... phase. The second major project, enhancement of the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels, is expected to be ... authorized fishing vessels reporting high seas positions directly to the Commission VMS. By the end of June ...

    EightyOptions - 17 Sep 2009 - 7:15pm

  5. Statement of Mr Satya N. Nandan, Chairman of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission

    record of fishing vessels, especially the non-member carriers and bunkers, and increased monitoring of ... Commission has taken many measures to strengthen and enhance control of fishing vessels. These range from 100 ... cases, nationals of these countries also fish using vessels flying other flags, including flags of ...

    EightyOptions - 25 Jun 2010 - 3:59pm

  6. Management Options for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    vessels. The economics of fishing is, therefore, squeezed by increasing costs. This increases the risk of ... fleets, fishing enterprises or vessels. The shares may be transferable (individual transferable quotas ... to take its allocated tonnage, when to fish, how much time to spend on vessel maintenance etc. ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:04am

  7. Australia Letter of Authorization for New Patrol Vessels

    regarding the high seas boarding of Australian flagged fishing vessels or inspections by Australian flagged ... Service Patrol Vessels as authorised inspection vessels, for inclusion on the WCPFC HSB&I Register: ... CMM 2006-08, please be advised that: • the specific details of the inspection vessels are provided in ...

    EightyOptions - 24 Aug 2011 - 11:59am

  8. WCPFC ROP Vessel Safety Check Form

    vessel. 1. VESSEL SURVEY DOCUMENTATION CURRENT Fishing Vessels and support vessels operating in the WCPFC ... (Single Side Band) is a means of communications for many fishing vessels. The radio must be capable of ... Central Pacific Fisheries Commission VSC Guideline.pdf VESSEL AT THE TIME OF CHECKING IS CONSIDERED TO BE ...

    EightyOptions - 19 Dec 2018 - 5:32pm

  9. WCPFC CCSBT Memorandum of Understanding

    Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, The CCSBT and the WCPFC record the following ... detailing the catches of southern bluefin tuna by vessels fishing for highly migratory species within the ... Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean is to ...

    EightyOptions - 27 Aug 2009 - 2:48pm

  10. Conservation and Management Measures

    for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Record of Fishing Vessels (377.91 KB) 4 Dec ... and procedures for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Record of Fishing Vessels ... Conservation and Management Measure for WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels and Authorisation to Fish (370.87 KB) ...

    EightyOptions - 17 Jan 2023 - 2:27pm


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