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  1. Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission (revised at WCPFC4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 13)

    Symbol:  Data-01 Date of Issue:  Friday, December 9, 2016 Download (177.41 KB) Folder:  Sharks ... estimates of catches during each calendar year shall be provided to the Commission for each gear type: ... vessels active3 in the WCPFC Statistical Area during each calendar year shall be provided to the ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 22 Jul 2018 - 2:15am

  2. CMS IWG Working Draft Text – revision 3_with edits from FFA-US (onscreen as at 9pm 12 Dec 2018)

    Symbol:  WCPFC-2018-CMS IWG_01 Date of Issue:  Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Download (82.69 KB) ... edits from FFA-US WCPFC15-2018-CMS IWG_01 12 December 2018_9pm Paper by the Chair of the CMS IWG 30 ... previous calendar year with the priority obligations identified under paragraph 6. Such assessment shall be ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Dec 2018 - 6:06pm

  3. Any Member may under rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure request the inclusion of supplementary items in the agenda for WCPFC17

    Deadline 9 Nov 2020 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei Refer to Circular 2020 ... /121 (issued 9 October 2020)   Supplementary items Rule 3-Any member of the Commission, the Chairman, or the ... Executive Director may, at least thirty days before the date fixed for the opening of a regular session ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm

  4. Further consideration of candidate target reference points for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the WCPO

    Symbol:  SC16-MI-WP-01 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (240.18 KB) Folder:  ... WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC16-MI-WP-01 Consid_BET-YFT-TRPs.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:10pm

  5. SC16 Recommendations under Agenda Item 4.1.2

    Symbol:  HS-Ref.Doc-SC16-01 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (176.8 KB) Folder:  ... WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents HS-Ref.Doc-SC16-01 (Recommendations under SC16-MI Theme).pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:21pm

  6. EU submission: A compilation of FADs obligation in tRFMOs which we have prepared internally as a support document

    implementation or compliance. A) Management Plans 1 FAD management plans IATTC no ICCAT yes Rec. 14-01, FAD ... Executive Secretary IOTC yes Res. 13/08 2. CPCs having vessels fishing on FADs shall submit, to the ... other fishing activities, the results of the set in terms of catch and bycatch. WCPFC yes CMM 2014-01 ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 26 Jun 2015 - 4:10pm

  7. Development of a WCPFC Risk-Based Assessment Framework for the Compliance Monitoring Scheme- Proposal for WCPFC members' consideration and feedback

    of Issue:  Thursday, July 15, 2021 Download (329.08 KB) Folder:  Monitoring Control and Surveillance ... / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2020- 2022 / pre-2022 CMS-IWG 2020-2021 NZ RBAF paper for WCPFC (July 2021).pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 May 2022 - 12:12pm

  8. South Pacific Albacore Roadmap Intersessional Working Group

    Roadmap IWG Meeting (1Aug2022)- Rev.01; ... SPA%20CHAIR%27S%20SUMMARY%20REPORT_19.08.2022_circulation ... .pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;460048;Chair’s Summary Report of the South Pacific Albacore Roadmap IWG Meeting (1Aug2022)- Rev.01;https ...

    API Sync process - 25 Oct 2022 - 4:00pm

  9. Revised Part 2 Reporting Template for 2010 Activities

    covering the previous calendar year be submitted to the WCPFC Secretariat by 31 July each year. The Fifth ... Annual Reports from 31 July to one month prior to the meeting of the TCC, thus leaving only 30 days to ... and approved in December 2009. Draft Template for Annual Reports Part 2 5. Paragraph 45 of CMM 2008-01 ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Aug 2011 - 9:21am

  10. Deadline for TCC HOD participants to submit comments to Acting TCC Chair on TCCs consideration of the list of potential issues in the final draft CMR (Circular 2020/99 issued 8 September 2020)

    Deadline 14 Sep 2020 Location:  Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei During TCC HOD there was ... the Secretariat on 8 September 2020.  He therefore requested CCMs to provide their views on the list ... of potential compliance issues to be considered in plenary by 14 September 2020. ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 16 May 2022 - 12:30pm


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