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  1. Updated list of notifications of WCPFC- IATTC measure choice

    Symbol:  Circ 2020-65 Date of Issue:  Friday, July 10, 2020 Download (204.02 KB) Dedicated CCM ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 10 Jul 2020 - 1:12pm

  2. WPEA-ITM Grant Funding Agreement and Activity Design Document

    Symbol:  2016 Date of Issue:  Friday, July 10, 2020 Download (6.85 MB) Folder:  Statistics and ...

    SungKwon Soh - 20 Jul 2020 - 2:39pm

  3. WPEA-ITM Activity Design Document variation

    Symbol:  2019 Date of Issue:  Friday, July 10, 2020 Download (5.69 MB) Folder:  Statistics and ...

    SungKwon Soh - 3 Feb 2023 - 10:40am

  4. WPEA-ITM Activity Progress Report for 2018

    July 10, 2020 Download (342.68 KB) Folder:  Statistics and Data / West Pacific East Asia Project / West ...

    SungKwon Soh - 3 Feb 2023 - 10:43am

  5. WPEA-ITM Activity Progress Report for 2019

    July 10, 2020 Download (585.31 KB) Folder:  Statistics and Data / West Pacific East Asia Project / West ...

    SungKwon Soh - 3 Feb 2023 - 10:39am

  6. Commission Decision to extend the decisions in response to COVID-19 until 31 October 2020

    Symbol:  Circ 2020-71 Date of Issue:  Thursday, July 23, 2020 Download (85.5 KB) Folder:  Covid19 ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 24 Jul 2020 - 4:49pm

  7. Annual Report on the Administration of the WCPFC Data Access Rules and Procedures Secretariat

    Download (399.8 KB) Folder:  Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) / Reports on admin of data rules ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 1 Oct 2020 - 8:47am

  8. Secretariat Corporate Plan 2020-2023

    Date of Issue:  Sunday, December 4, 2022 Download (358.13 KB) Folder:  Guidelines Procedures and ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Jan 2023 - 3:47pm

  9. Commission Decision to extend the decisions in response to COVID-19 until 15 February 2021

    Symbol:  Circ 2020-125 Date of Issue:  Thursday, October 22, 2020 Download (171.28 KB) Folder:  ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 22 Oct 2020 - 1:57pm

  10. VMS Small Working Group (SWG) Status Report

    Symbol:  WCPFC-TCC16-2020-16_rev1 Date of Issue:  Friday, September 11, 2020 Download (393.5 KB) ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 22 Oct 2020 - 4:00pm


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