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  1. MS Excel export of provisional CMR covering 2013 activities with TCC10 agreed outcomes

    scientific data; and (vii) submission of AR Pt 2 and compliance with other reporting deadlines, including ... data on the stock is collected by Chinese longline fishing logbook and summarized by scientific staff ... with the Scientific Data and "fished/not fished" report. Secretariat note: no indication of ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 8 Oct 2014 - 12:04pm

  2. Conservation and Management Measure for Swordfish in the South West Pacific (Replaced by CMM 2008-05)

    mortality; Further noting that the Scientific Committee has recommended as a precautionary measure that there ... scientific committee, following their consideration of an updated swordfish stock assessment that improves ... Measure-2006-03 [Swordfish].pdf Microsoft Word- WCPFC3-2006 Attachment H [CMM 2006-03 Swordfish].doc THIRD REGULAR ...

    EightyOptions - 15 Nov 2014 - 12:01am

  3. 5th draft comprehensive shark CMM for review by TCC14

    IWG-Sharks for review by TCC14.pdf TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Fourteenth Regular Session 26 September ... naturally attached shall have an independent observer on board.] The [Scientific Committee and the] ... Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / Shark IWG 2018 WCPFC-TCC14-2018-22 5th draft consolidated text for ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Jan 2019 - 11:08am

  4. draft CMR as @ 12 Sept 2017

    Symbol:  WCPFC-TCC13-2017-dCMR01 Date of Issue:  Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Download (556.48 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / MCS / Compliance Monitoring Reports / CMR 2017 / Draft ...

    Ana Taholo - 12 Sep 2017 - 5:54pm

  5. Submission by the Delegation of Japan

    the restraints of the States and entities; Considering that the Scientific Coordinating Group meeting ... Considering that the Scientific Coordinating Group meeting held in July in Mooloolaba unanimously recommended ... entities. On the other hand, the Scientific Coordinating Group meeting held in July in Mooloolaba ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 4:50am

  6. Intersessional Working Group on the Regional Observer Programme (IWG-ROP)

    scientific data and additional information related to the fishery from the Convention Area and to monitor the ... implementation of the conservation and management measures adopted by the Commission.” The TCC and the Scientific ... Committee (SC) have a joint responsibility to recommend to the Commission the priorities and objectives of ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 26 Jun 2023 - 9:28am

  7. Size Data

    and Central Pacific Ocean SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE THIRD REGULAR SESSION 13-24 August 2007 Honolulu, ... Scientific Committee, shall periodically review the requirements for scientific data and shall provide the ... United States of America Scientific data to be provided to the Commission 6. The roles of flag states and ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Mar 2009 - 4:19pm

  8. Review of progress in the Preparatory Conference and identification of priority issues prior to entry into force of the Convention

    first meeting of the Commission. 7. The Conference has held four sessions to date. It has proceeded on ... and potential overlap with the WCPFC Commission’s scientific activities. 16. WG.II held five meetings ... scientific and technical considerations. The first meeting of the SCG was held in July 2002, in conjunction ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  9. CMM 2008-03Replaces Resolution 2005-04

    turtles].doc 1 FIFTH REGULAR SESSION 8-12 December 2008 Busan, Korea CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF SEA TURTLES ... Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations at its twenty-sixth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in ... Scientific Committee (SC) and the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) 1 “Shallow-set” fisheries are ...

    EightyOptions - 30 Mar 2009 - 9:45pm

  10. Conservation and Management of Sea Turtles

    Microsoft Word- WCPFC5-2008 Attachment X [CMM 2008-03 Sea turtles].doc 1 FIFTH REGULAR SESSION 8-12 December ... Fishing Operations at its twenty-sixth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in March 2005, and ... has been reviewed by the Scientific Committee (SC) and the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) ...

    EightyOptions - 11 Dec 2020 - 7:08pm


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