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  1. Resolution on Aspirations of Small Island Developing States and Territories

    Development aspirations].doc FIFTH REGULAR SESSION 8-12 December 2008 Busan, Korea RESOLUTION ON ASPIRATIONS ... marine living resources, including for meeting the nutritional requirements of their populations or parts ... which require special attention and consideration in the provision of financial, scientific and ...

    EightyOptions - 8 Jul 2009 - 8:39am

  2. national tuna management plan

    tuna utilization remains at the limit of the rate of sustainable exploitation, supported by scientific ... IUU fishing through effective controlling measures and law enforcement. f. Utilizing scientific data ... issues of tuna fisheries at national and global level (ii) the latest scientific information (iii) ...

    EightyOptions - 13 Dec 2012 - 2:36pm

  3. WPEA-SM Project Document

    Scientific Committee (WCPFC) SCS South China Sea SDS-SEA Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of ... at the WCPFC 10th Regular Session in December 2013, after having been working toward ratification for ... Much of the data is reported to the Commission’s Scientific Committee (SC) and Technical and Compliance ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 26 Jul 2016 - 12:02am

  4. CNM Requests for 2015

    WCPFC-TCC10-2014-08_rev1 CNM applications cover_as at 26 August 2014.pdf TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE TENTH REGULAR ... SESSION 26- 30 September 2014 Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia CNM REQUESTS FOR 2015 ... Non-Members with its work during TCC and WCPFC meetings. The form was also subsequently provided to any other ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 26 Aug 2014 - 9:36am

  5. WPEA-SM Midterm Review Report

    Private sector operators and associations have been regularly invited to project meetings and workshops, ... 2017 before project closure. The WCPFC Technical Compliance Committee meetings are typically held in ... Advisor SAP Strategic Action Program SC Scientific Committee (WCPFC) SCS South China Sea SDS-SEA ...

    SungKwon Soh - 22 Nov 2019 - 4:15am

  6. Conservation and Management Measure to mitigate the impact of fishing for highly migratory fish stocks on seabirds

    seabird species assemblage present; Noting the advice of the Scientific Committee that combinations of ... and Management Measure to mitigate impacts of fishing on Seabirds.pdf 1 COMMISSION FIFTEENTH REGULAR ... SESSION Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 10 – 14 December 2018 CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE TO MITIGATE THE ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Feb 2019 - 11:42am

  7. Conservation And Management Measure To Establish A List Of Vessels Presumed To Have Carried Out Illegal Unreported And Unregulated Fishing Activities In The Western And Central Pacific Ocean (replaced by CMM 2007-03)

    Pacific Ocean Third Regular Session 11–15 December 2006 Apia, Samoa ... and at least 120 days before the Annual Meeting of the Technical and Compliance committee (TCC), ... Identification of IUU activities 1. At each Annual Meeting, the Commission will identify those vessels that have ...

    EightyOptions - 15 Nov 2014 - 12:01am

  8. WCPFC Executive Director Terms of Reference

    regular sessions, and arrange the subsequent publication of the report of the proceedings of the ... experienced in the organization of international meetings and the preparation of budgets, working documents ... research to provide a sound basis for conservation management; i) Organise sessions of the Commission and ...

    EightyOptions - 11 Nov 2009 - 6:55am

  9. Opening remarks by the Chairman (PrepCon 2)

    CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF HIGHLY MIGRATORY FISH STOCKS IN THE WESTERN AND CENTRAL PACIFIC Second session ... colleagues and friends, I welcome you to the second session of the Preparatory Conference for the ... and other documents circulated in preparation for this second session of the Conference. That ...

    EightyOptions - 20 Mar 2009 - 6:16am

  10. USA submission: Comments from the U.S. on the Final report of the Independent Review of the CMS

    (118.95 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2018 US Comments on CMS Report final.pdf ... of the Technical and Compliance Committee, and think it appropriately constitutes a significant ... portion of its work. TCC used to function as a mini- Commission meeting, vetting all aspects of proposals ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 9 Apr 2018 - 2:22pm


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