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  1. Tuna Headquarters Opens While Representatives of 33 Member Countries Visit Pohnpei

    met at the Commission's headquarters, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia in a meeting of its ... Technical and Compliance Committee to discuss practical ways to better conserve and manage the region's ...

    EightyOptions - 21 Apr 2023 - 9:57am


    the Annual Report) was provided for WCPFC Scientific Committee meeting in August 2010 (SC6), but PART ... 2 of the Annual Report was not prepared for the WCPFC Technical and Compliance Committee meeting (TCC6) ... to June 2011 for consideration at the WPEA Project Steering Committee during the 7th Scientific ...

    EightyOptions - 1 Aug 2012 - 3:09pm

  3. Intersessional working group to develop a draft comprehensive shark CMM (IWG-Sharks)

    SC14-EB-WP-05 4th Draft Consolidated Text for the Conservation and Management Measures for Sharks (for review by ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 19 Feb 2020 - 11:45am

  4. FR dCMR AddInfo received after 12 Sept

    AddInfo_FR.pdf 1 TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Thirteenth Regular Session 27 September – 3 October 2017 ...

    Ana Taholo - 26 Sep 2017 - 9:23pm

  5. USA Submission: Comments on draft list of principles document

    (27.5 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2018 US Comments_draft list of principles ... para 19 – 20, Annex I PROCESS AT ANNUAL COMMISSION MEETING Comment by USA: We agree that we need to ... make some decisions about how we handle CMS at the annual meeting – e.g., whether we consider ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 6 Jun 2018 - 2:44pm

  6. Chinese Taipei Submission: Comments on draft list of principles document

    (24.53 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2018 draft list of principles_TW0427.docx ... reporting gaps discussed in TCC. PROCESS BETWEEN TCC AND ANNUAL COMMISSION MEETING We suggest adding this ... definition of fair outcome, we’d like to learn from other members in this WG. ANNUAL COMMISSION MEETING para ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 6 Jun 2018 - 2:41pm

  7. What's in the BMIS?

    include peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals, meeting papers (including papers submitted to ... There are several sections to the BMIS. These include: references  (scientific and technical ... meetings of the WCPFC and its subsidiary bodies), project reports, fact sheets, and official guidelines ...

    EightyOptions - 7 Oct 2014 - 12:01am

  8. CMS IWG Workplan- 2018_revision 2

    Download (21.31 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2018 workplan CMS-IWG_circulated on ... SPC-OFP(Scientific Services Provider) Peter WILLIAMS International Seafood Sustainability Foundation ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 20 Jun 2018 - 3:16pm

  9. Pacific Tuna Tagging Project

    Report of the Third PTTP Steering Committee PTTP Steering Committee (208.99 KB) 18 Aug 2009 ... SC6-2010-GN-WP-05 Report of the Fourth PTTP Steering Committee PTTP Steering Committee (337.19 KB) 19 Aug 2010 ... SC7-2011-ST-WP-04 Report of the Fifth PTTP Steering Committee PTTP Steering Committee (149.54 KB) 15 Aug 2011 ...

    EightyOptions - 8 Nov 2019 - 4:15am

  10. MEXICO

    Provision of Scientific data to the WCPFC Last updated: 30 October 2012 YEARS See NOTES following Page 1 of ... OPERATIONAL DATA 9 Operational Logsheet data provided to SPC by their member countries on a regular basis ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 3 Jul 2013 - 1:34pm


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