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  1. Conservation and Management Measure on the criteria for the consideration of conservation and management proposals

    MANAGEMENT MEASURE ON ASPIRATIONS OF SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES AND TERRITORIES COMMISSION TENTH REGULAR ... SESSION Cairns, Australia 2-6 December 2013 CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT MEASURE ON THE CRITERIA FOR THE ... Commission at its seventh annual session; Desiring to adopt criteria for the consideration of conservation ...

    Ana Taholo - 18 Feb 2014 - 12:13pm

  2. WCPFC FFA Memorandum of Understanding

    available scientific and other fisheries-related information to further the attainment of the objectives of ... order to maximise the effectiveness of their scientific, compliance and other activities, the FFA ... behalf of its members.. 2.. The WCPFC and the FFA agree to hold a meeting between the two Secretariats at ...

    EightyOptions - 27 Aug 2009 - 1:38pm

  3. WCPFC CCSBT Memorandum of Understanding

    information including scientific information to further the attainment of the objective of the Convention and ... scientific information on annual basis; • exchange information on fisheries management on annual basis; ... meetings; and • to consider methods of recognising each others conservation and management measures This MOU ...

    EightyOptions - 27 Aug 2009 - 2:48pm

  4. Compliance Monitoring Report (covering 2015)

    working group met in closed session during WCPFC13 to review and evaluate the additional information. The ... group meetings. 4. After considering the additional information, the small working group was unable to ... separate sessions, at times while other working groups were running concurrently, impacted its ability to ...

    Samuelu Taufao - 22 Jul 2017 - 5:14pm

  5. comments from PNAO on draft ER standards

    / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG PNAO comments on ERandEM WG2 Attachment 4.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 24 Aug 2016 - 1:53pm

  6. Chinese Taipei's comments on section 1.2 of draft ER standards- operational observer data

    / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG WCPFC ER Data standards-observer data_comments_Final.docx ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 24 Sep 2016 - 1:55pm

  7. Japan's comments on section 1.2 of draft ER standards- operational observer data (latest)

    / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG japan Sept ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 24 Sep 2016 - 2:02pm

  8. US comments on E-reporting fields

    / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG WCPFC E-Reporting Fields (US Response).xlsx ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Nov 2016 - 2:12pm

  9. Chinese Taipei further comments on E-reporting

    / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG Oct 21.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Nov 2016 - 2:14pm

  10. Josie Tamate

    world, like a persistent melody, called Josie back. When the meeting of Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) ... Fisheries (DAFF). She remembers him attending many meetings, including fisheries meetings during his time ...

    Tim Jones - 7 Dec 2023 - 8:05pm


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