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  1. Expressions of interest to participate in the IWG-ROP

    Section / Inter-sessional / IWG-ROP 2023 WCPFC Circular 2023-23 Expressions of Interest to participate in ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 26 Jun 2023 - 9:29am

  2. Work Priorities and Method of Communication for the IWG-ROP

    Section / Inter-sessional / IWG-ROP 2023 WCPFC Circular 2023-53 Work Priorities and Method of ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 28 Jun 2023 - 6:29pm

  3. Chair of Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring Intersessional Working Group: Nomination from New Zealand

    Section / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG / ERandEMIWG_2022 WCPFC Circular 2023-52 EREM IWG Chair- nomination ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Aug 2023 - 7:12pm

  4. Information Paper on the FFA Final Draft EM SSPs- endorsed as Interim Guidelines

    Download (576.89 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG / ERandEMIWG_2022 ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Aug 2023 - 7:14pm

  5. Message from the Chair of the ERandEM IWG

    Section / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG / ERandEMIWG_2022 WCPFC Circular 2023-65 Update from ERandEM IWG ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Aug 2023 - 1:49pm

  6. Supporting paper for TCC18 consideration of potential improvements to the ROP Minimum Standard Data Fields for impacts of fishing on whale sharks and cetaceans

    Download (505.81 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / IWG-ROP 2023 WCPFC-TCC18-2022-17 TCC18 paper ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 30 Aug 2023 - 3:07am

  7. Initiating ERandEM_IWG Work for 2024: Progressing Interim EM Standards

    CCM Section / Inter-sessional / ERandEMWG / ERandEMIWG_2022 Email_ERandEM-IWG Progressing Interim ...

    Eidre Sharp - 5 Mar 2024 - 3:38pm

  8. Update from Co-Chairs on Intersessional Work to Improve Crew Labour Standards

    Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Download (501.61 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / Intersessional ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 12 Mar 2024 - 1:47pm

  9. Proposed work plan for Labour Standards CMM 2024

    Section / Inter-sessional / Intersessional work on labour stds for crew WCPFC Circular 2024-13 Proposed ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 13 Mar 2024 - 2:05pm

  10. WCPFC Circular 2024-09 Letter from the FADMO-IWG Chair

    Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / FAD Management Options Working Group WCPFC Circular 2024-09 Letter ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 22 Mar 2024 - 2:45pm


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