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  1. Further consideration of candidate target reference points for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the WCPO

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC16-MI-WP-01 Consid_BET-YFT-TRPs.pdf ... Symbol:  SC16-MI-WP-01 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (240.18 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:10pm

  2. Evaluations of candidate management procedures for skipjack tuna in the WCPO

    Symbol:  SC18-MI-WP-02 Date of Issue:  Saturday, July 23, 2022 Download (427.1 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC18-MI-WP-02 Skipjack_MP_evals_Scott et al.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 25 Aug 2023 - 12:00am

  3. Evaluation of candidate management procedures for South Pacific albacore

    Authors:  F Scott, R Scott, N Yao and R Natadra. Symbol:  SC19-MI-WP-06 Date of Issue:  Thursday, ... March 7, 2024 Download (1.47 MB) Folder:  WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC ... 19-MI-WP-06 evaluation_candidate_mps_spa_rev1.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 7 Mar 2024 - 1:59pm

  4. South Pacific Albacore Roadmap

    Authors:  Output for consideration by SWG on SP albacore Symbol:  WCPFC14-2017-SWG_SPALB02 Date of ... WCPFC14-2017-SWG_SPALB02 6 December 2017_8:30pm Output for consideration by SWG on SP Albacore Agenda item 7.3 SPA roadmap ... priorities, and addressing of gaps, for all fisheries taking south Pacific albacore within the WCPFC ...

    Ana Taholo - 7 Dec 2017 - 12:12am

  5. Development of New WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure Workshop 1 Arbitrary argument 2:  application/pdf;498319;Chair's Report of TTMW1- revision 1; ... -TTMW1-2021%20Chair%27s%20Report%20of%20TTMW1_revision%201%20issued%201%20June%202021.pdf ...

    API Sync process - 7 Jun 2021 - 3:45pm

  6. Development of New WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure Workshop 2 Arbitrary argument 2:  application/pdf;779419;Chair's Report of TTMW2; ... /2021-09/WCPFC%20Circular%202021-79%20TTMW2%20-%20Chair%27s%20Report.%2021%20September%202021.pdf ...

    API Sync process - 6 Oct 2021 - 4:45pm

  7. 5th meeting of the WCPFC E-reporting and E-monitoring Working Group Arbitrary argument 2:  application/pdf;700135;Chair's Summary Report of ERandEMWG5; ... /2022-09/Chairs%20Summary%20Report%205th%20ERandEM%20WG%20meeting_final_6Sept2022.pdf ...

    API Sync process - 6 Sep 2022 - 7:15pm

  8. Fifth Meeting of the WCPFC FAD Management Options IWG

    2021; ... Arbitrary argument 2:  application/pdf;578384;FAD Management Options IWG Summary Report_November ... _18Nov2021_adopted-posted.pdf ...

    API Sync process - 18 Nov 2021 - 6:45pm

  9. Current and projected stock status of skipjack tuna to inform consideration of Target Reference Points (MOW3-WP/03, 14 Nov 2014)

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC15-MI-IP-09 Projections for SKJ TRP.pdf ... Symbol:  SC15-MI-IP-09 Date of Issue:  Monday, December 7, 2020 Download (374.71 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 7 Dec 2020 - 3:01pm

  10. Proposal for a CMM for Mobula and Manta Rays caught in association with Fisheries managed by WCPFC (Rev 2)

    WCPFC13-2016-DP06_rev2 EU proposal for a CMM for Mobula and Manta Rays.pdf ... Authors:  European Union Symbol:  WCPFC13-2016-DP06_rev2 Date of Issue:  Friday, December 9, 2016 ... Download (378.47 KB) Folder:  Implementation of Article 30 / 13-06 assessments- bycatch CMM proposals ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Nov 2020 - 3:25pm


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