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    Authors:  Peter Williams Date of Issue:  Monday, July 24, 2023 Download (53.94 KB) Folder:  ... Statistics and Data / Data Provision WCPFC_ACE_year_gear_flag_sub-fleet TEMPLATE (FINAL- v2023_07_12).xlsx ...

    Emmanuel Schneiter - 24 Jul 2023 - 10:36am

  2. Update from Co-chairs on Intersessional work to improve crew labour standards

    Authors:  Co-chairs Symbol:  WCPFC18-2021-DP07 Date of Issue:  Monday, November 22, 2021 Download ... WCPFC18-2021-DP07 Indonesia and New Zealand update on intersessional work on labour standards.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 23 Nov 2021 - 8:25am

  3. Audit Points Development and Adoption

    Authors:  CMS-IWG Audit Points Lead Symbol:  WCPFC-2023-23 Date of Issue:  Wednesday, November 22, ... WCPFC20-2023-23_CMSIWG Audit Points development & adoption.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 25 Nov 2023 - 5:45am

  4. Update and Proposed Work Priorities for the ER and EM IWG

    Authors:  ERandEM_IWG Chair Symbol:  WCPFC20-2023-ERandEM_IWG-02 Date of Issue:  Thursday, ... WCPFC20-2023-ERandEMIWG-02_Update on EM and ER IWG including proposed work plan.pdf ...

    Eidre Sharp - 5 Mar 2024 - 3:32pm

  5. 2023 Final Compliance Monitoring Report- covering 2022 and 2021 activities

    Symbol:  WCPFC20-2023-fCMR Date of Issue:  Friday, December 8, 2023 Download (1.56 MB) Folder:  ... RY2021 and RY2022 adopted at WCPFC20.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 2 Apr 2024 - 8:47am

  6. United States of America Notification

    Inspection (2).pdf United States Department of State Bureau ofOceans and International Environmental and ... Date of Issue:  Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Download (65.92 KB) Folder:  MCS- Public / High Seas ... Boarding & Inspection / Notifications para 6_fishing entities US Notification to WCPFC on Boarding and ...

    EightyOptions - 10 Aug 2015 - 2:12pm

  7. Resolution on Reduction of Overcapacity

    beneficial owners of purse seine vessels that entered the WCPFC Convention Area after the MHLC and PrepCon ... Symbol:  Resolution 2005-02 Date of Issue:  Friday, December 16, 2005 Download (35.03 KB) Folder:  ... CMM and Resolutions / Replaced Conservation and Management Measures Resolution 2005-02.pdf Over ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 15 Nov 2014 - 12:01am

  8. Notification of COVID-19 Pandemic National Public Health Emergency in respect of transhipment activities at designated transhipment areas in the FSM

    Symbol:  FSM_Apr3_2020 Date of Issue:  Friday, April 3, 2020 Download (1.89 MB) Folder:  Covid19 ... announcements Executive Director NORMA Communication COVID-19 Decree.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 6 Apr 2020 - 8:56am

  9. Fisheries Agency of Japan issued “Basic guidelines for dealing with occurrence of COVID-19 in fisheries and continuing fishery operations”

    Symbol:  JP Date of Issue:  Tuesday, February 16, 2021 Download (59.86 KB) Folder:  Covid19 ... announcements JPN_COVID-19 ship crew member basic guidelines.pdf ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 17 Feb 2021 - 12:07pm

  10. CMS-IWG-Outstanding Audit Points

    2023-87 CMS IWG- Outstanding Audit Points_0.pdf Draft outstanding Audit Points- WCPFC_13 Oct 2023.docx ... Symbol:  Circ 2023-87 Date of Issue:  Friday, October 13, 2023 Download (135.28 KB) Download ... (256.61 KB) Dedicated CCM Section / Inter-sessional / CMS-IWG 2020- 2022 / CMS-IWG 2023 WCPFC Circular ...

    Lara Manarangi-Trott - 16 Oct 2023 - 3:17pm


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