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  1. Harvest Strategy for Pacific Bluefin Tuna Fisheries

    Symbol:  HS 2021-01 Date of Issue:  Thursday, January 13, 2022 Download (160.01 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents HS 2021-01 Harvest Strategy for PBF Fisheries.pdf ...

    SungKwon Soh - 13 Jan 2022 - 4:12pm

  2. Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna

    WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents CMM 2021-02 CMM for Pacific bluefin tuna.pdf ... Symbol:  CMM 2021-02 Date of Issue:  Thursday, January 13, 2022 Download (166.65 KB) Folder:  ...

    SungKwon Soh - 13 Jan 2022 - 4:17pm

  3. Operating models for skipjack tuna in the WCPO

    Symbol:  SC18-MI-WP-01 Date of Issue:  Saturday, July 23, 2022 Download (1.75 MB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC18-MI-WP-01 Skipjack MSE Operating Models_Scott et al.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 31 Aug 2023 - 12:00am

  4. WCPO skipjack management procedure: dry run

    Symbol:  SC18-MI-WP-03 Date of Issue:  Thursday, July 21, 2022 Download (1.73 MB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC18-MI-WP-03 Skipjack harvest stratgey dry run_Scott et al.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 25 Aug 2023 - 12:00am

  5. Mixed fishery harvest strategy update

    Symbol:  SC18-MI-WP-06 Date of Issue:  Thursday, July 21, 2022 Download (47.27 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC18-MI-WP-06 Mixed fishery HS_update_Scott et al.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 25 Aug 2023 - 12:00am

  6. Mixed-fishery harvest strategy performance indicators

    Symbol:  SC18-MI-WP-07 Date of Issue:  Thursday, July 21, 2022 Download (136.67 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents SC18-MI-WP-07_Mixed_fishery_indicators_Scott et al.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 25 Aug 2023 - 12:00am

  7. Conservation and Management Measure on a Management Procedure for WCPO Skipjack Tuna

    Symbol:  CMM 2022-01 Date of Issue:  Sunday, December 4, 2022 Download (439.21 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents Att G CMM 2022-01 CMM on an MP for WCPO Skipjack Tuna.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 1 Mar 2023 - 1:01pm

  8. Conservation and Management Measure on Establishing a Harvest Strategy for key fisheries and stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

    Symbol:  CMM 2022-03 Date of Issue:  Sunday, December 4, 2022 Download (201.94 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents Att L CMM 2022-03 CMM to develop and implement a harvest strategy approach ... for key fisheries and stocks in the WCPO.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 1 Mar 2023 - 1:03pm

  9. Harvest Strategy for North Pacific Albacore Fishery

    Symbol:  HS 2023-01 Date of Issue:  Friday, March 1, 2024 Download (246.37 KB) Folder:  WCPFC ... Harvest Strategy key documents Harvest Strategy 2023-01_HvSt for NP Albacore Fishery.pdf ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 1 Mar 2024 - 2:30pm

  10. Update to further inform discussions on South Pacific albacore objectives and the TRP

    KB) Folder:  WCPFC Harvest Strategy key documents SC19-MI-WP-03_SPALB_trp_update_FINAL_SPC-OFP.pdf ... Authors:  SPC-OFP Symbol:  SC19-MI-WP-03 Date of Issue:  Thursday, March 7, 2024 Download (51.67 ...

    Elaine G. Garvilles - 7 Mar 2024 - 1:53pm


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