Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring - Intersessional Working Group (ERandEM-IWG)

The Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring Intersessional Working Group was established in 2014, with the following objective "To consider how EM and ER technologies could benefit the work of CCMs and the Commission, in supporting the objective and implementation of the Convention." 

The terms of reference for the ERandEM IWG may be found here

The ERandEM IWG has held five meetings to date:

  1. 8 - 10 July 2015, in Nadi, Fiji.   https://meetings.wcpfc.int/meetings/erandemwg
  2. 1 - 2 August 2016 in Bali, Indonesia.  https://meetings.wcpfc.int/meetings/erandemwg2
  3. 6 - 7 August 2018 in Busan, Korea https://meetings.wcpfc.int/meetings/erandemwg3
  4. 14 October 2020, virtual meeting https://meetings.wcpfc.int/meetings/erandemwg4
  5. 19 - 20 July 2022, virtual meeting https://meetings.wcpfc.int/meetings/erandemwg5

In 2022, a dedicated Online Discussion Forum page was established to support the WCPFC intersessional work on E-monitoring in the WCPFC.  If there are any updates from CCMs to their nominated representatives to participate in the intersessional work, and for access to the dedicated Online Discussion Forum page, please provide the name(s), CCM affiliation and email address to the Chair. 

This page on the website provides the latest information on WCPFC E-reporting standards: https://www.wcpfc.int/electronic-reporting


Copies of relevant documentation related to the ERandEM IWG activities in 2022-24 are provided below:

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Circ 2022-03 New ERandEMWG Chair and request for nominations of participants for 2022 activities file attachment (268.62 KB) 2 Feb 2022
Circ 2022-06 Communication from the ERandEMWG Chair Regarding Planned Activities for 2022 file attachment (267.02 KB) 15 Feb 2022
Circ 2022-09 Communication from the ERandEMWG Chair - Draft Standards, Specifications and Procedures for WCPFC Electronic Monitoring Program (Comments requested by Friday 8 April 2022) file attachment (367.93 KB)file attachment (57.32 KB) 7 Mar 2022
Circ 2022-33 Communication from the ERandEMWG Chair proposing a meeting on 19 – 20 July 2022 file attachment (406.87 KB) 30 May 2022
WCPFC-ERandEMWG5-2022-02 Electronic Monitoring within the WCPFC Fisheries Management Framework - Chair's Initial Consultative Discussion Paper
ERandEM WG Chair
file attachment (651.18 KB) 14 Jun 2022
WCPFC-TCC18-2022-19 Chair's Summary Report for Fifth E-Reporting and E-Monitoring Working Group Meeting (ERandEMWG5)
ERandEMWG Chair
file attachment (798.15 KB) 6 Sep 2022
WCPFC19-2022-DP08 Information Paper on the FFA Final Draft EM SSPs - endorsed as Interim Guidelines
FFA Member CCMs
file attachment (576.89 KB) 28 Oct 2022
WCPFC19-2022-ERandEMWG-01 Summary of the work undertaken by the Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring Working Group (ERandEM WG) in 2022
ERandEMWG Chair
file attachment (176.79 KB) 15 Nov 2022
Circ 2023-52 Chair of Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring Intersessional Working Group: Nomination from New Zealand file attachment (214.22 KB) 23 Jun 2023
Circ 2023-65 Message from the Chair of the ERandEM IWG file attachment (138.43 KB) 17 Aug 2023
WCPFC20-2023-ERandEM_IWG-02 Update and Proposed Work Priorities for the ER and EM IWG
ERandEM_IWG Chair
file attachment (3.89 MB) 16 Nov 2023
ERandEM_IWG 2024-01 Initiating ERandEM_IWG Work for 2024: Progressing Interim EM Standards file attachment (387.4 KB) 5 Mar 2024
ERandEM_IWG 2024-02 WCPFC Circular 2024-23 - ERandEM-IWG Update and Notice of Meeting file attachment (1.88 MB)file attachment (432.08 KB) 3 May 2024
ERandEM_IWG 2024-03 Papers for ERandEM_IWG 6th Workshop 31 May 2024 file attachment (146.83 KB)file attachment (247.62 KB)file attachment (1.88 MB) 1 Jul 2024
WCPFC-SC20-2023-/ST-WP-05 Development of interim Electronic Monitoring (EM) standards for WCPFC
Chair of the ER and EM IWG
file attachment (426.25 KB) 2 Aug 2024
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-20 Update from the ER and EM IWG Chair
Chair of the ER and EM IWG
file attachment (523.46 KB)file attachment (388.46 KB) 2 Sep 2024

To assist the work of this IWG, reports related to EM presented in previous meetings are collated below.(under development)

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-EmandErW-2014-03 WCPFC10-2013-16_rev1 Potential for E-reporting and E-monitoring in the Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fisheries Consultancy Report file attachment (3.17 MB) 23 Nov 2013
WCPFC-EmandErW-2014-05 WCPFC-EmandErW-2014-05 Discussion paper on employment opportunities in SIDS file attachment (950.62 KB) 25 Mar 2014
WCPFC-TCC10-2014-15 2014 WCPFC E-Monitoring and E-reporting Workshop - March 2014, Honiara Solomon Islands file attachment (2.97 MB) 29 Aug 2014
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-IP04 ISSF Technical Report - Summary Report on International Workshop on Application of Electronic Monitoring Systems in Tuna Longline Fisheries (Dec 2015)
file attachment (849.73 KB) 18 Jul 2016
WCPFC-2018-ERandEMWG3-IP04 The use of Electronic Monitoring within tuna longline fisheries in the WCPO - implications for international data collection, analysis and reporting
Timothy J. Emery, Rocio Noriega, Ashley J. Williams, James Larcombe, Simon Nicol, Peter Williams, Neville Smith, Graham Pilling, Malo Hosken, Stephen Brouwer, Laura Tremblay-Boyer and Thomas Peatman
file attachment (1.23 MB) 27 Jul 2018
WCPFC-SC16-2020-ST-IP-07 Report of the DCC Meeting for the Review of Longline Electronic Monitoring (EM) Data Fields
file attachment (572.74 KB) 21 Jul 2020
WCPFC-SC16-2020-ST-IP-09 Comparing Electronic Monitoring and human observer collected fishery data in the tropical tuna purse seine operating in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
H. Murua, M. Herrera, J. Morón, F. Abascal, G. Legorburu, M. Hosken, M. Roman, A. Panizza, M. Wichman, G. Moreno, V. Restrepo
file attachment (982.87 KB) 24 Jul 2020
WCPFC-ERandEMWG4-2020-04 Outcomes of the review of the Commission's data needs and collection programmes (SC Project 93)
file attachment (1.44 MB) 9 Oct 2020
WCPFC-SC17-2021-ST-IP-12 Electronic monitoring for improved accountability in western Pacific tuna longline fisheries
C.J. Brown, A. Desbiens, M.D. Campbell, E.T. Game, E. Gilman, R.J. Hamilton, C. Heberer, D. Itano, K. Pollock
file attachment (2.28 MB)file attachment (2.28 MB) 15 Jul 2021
WCPFC18-2021-IP10 Desktop-study investigating high-level options for the WCPFC Secretariat’s role in at-sea transhipment Electronic-Monitoring
file attachment (3.56 MB) 12 Nov 2021
Supple 1_ERandEM_IWG 2024-02 Data Collectable Using Electronic Monitoring Systems Compared to At-Sea Observers in the Hawaiʻi Longline Fisheries
Jennifer Stahl [1], Joshua Tucker [1,2], Lynn Rassel [3], Lesley Hawn [3] 2 , Lynn Rassel3 , and Lesley Hawn3
1 Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1845 Wasp Boulevard, Honolulu, HI, 96818, 2 Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, 1000 Pope Road, Honolulu, HI 96822 3 Pacific Islands Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1845 Wasp Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96818
file attachment (1.96 MB) 12 Jun 2024
Supple 2_ERandEM_IWG 2024-02 Glossary: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Electronic Monitoring of Fisheries
PEW Charitable Trusts
file attachment (90.64 KB) 12 Jun 2024

Other papers/studies relevant to EM (under development)

No documents

Page Updated 5 Mar, 2024
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