Commission farewells outgoing Executive Director, Professor Glenn Hurry

In October 2014, the Commission farewelled outgoing Executive Director, Professor Glenn Hurry.
Glenn served the Commission in a number of capacities, including as Australian delegate and Commissioner during the WCPFC Preparatory Conference process to establish the Commission. In 2004, he was elected the inaugural WCPFC Chair and served from December 2004 – December 2008. Glenn was appointed to the position of WCPFC Executive Director and commenced on 26 September, 2010. Glenn’s last working day as Executive Director was 25 October, 2014.
By WCPFC Circular (2014/87), the WCPFC Chair Dr Charles Karnella, formally thanked Glenn for the many years he has devoted to the Commission and expressed that the Commission will miss Glenn very much.
Short-listed applicants will be interviewed and a new Executive Director will be appointed by the Contracting Parties during a meeting of their Heads of Delegation, observed by Members and Participating Territories that so desire. This meeting is expected to take place during the 11th Regular Annual Session of the WCPFC, in Apia Samoa (1 – 5 December, 2014).
The Interim Executive Director arrangements were a rotation among the three senior managers, as follows:
- SungKwon Soh: 26 October, 2014 to 25 November, 2014
- Lara Manarangi-Trott: 26 November, 2014 to 25 December, 2014
- Aaron Nighswander: 26 December, 2014 to 25 January, 2015