WCPFC gears up for Technical and Compliance Committee
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission’s Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC5) is scheduled to meet for its fifth annual session at Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia for 5 1/2 days starting Thursday 1st October. The session will be preceded by a 2-day meeting of the Commission’s Ad Hoc Task Group for Data which has been tasked with developing rules and procedures of the security and use of data for the purposes of high seas surveillance and enforcement and the use of VMS data for scientific purposes. The TCC5 will review implementation of the Commission’s VMS which became operational for the high seas in April this year, experience with the implementation of the Regional Observer Programme during the 2-month FAD closure that commenced on 1st August, progress the development of procedures for transshipment, review experience with implementation of the procedures for high seas boarding and inspection, consider a Commission catch or trade documentation scheme, requirements for charter arrangements and a means to improve monitoring compliance with the decisions of the Commission. The meeting will be chaired by Ambassador Wendell Sanford (Canada) who will be supported by Noan Pakop (Papua New Guinea) as Vice-chair.