WCPFC National Observer Coordinator (CMM 2018-05 para 13)

CMM 2018-05:

Role of coastal States:

13. Each CCM shall nominate a WCPFC National Observer Coordinator, who shall be the contact point on matters related to the ROP, and keep the Secretariat informed of any changes to the Coordinator and his/her contact information.

WCPFC/SPC/IATTC Contact details:

WCPFC:  Karl.Staisch@wcpfc.int

SPC:  Timothy Park: timothyp@spc.int and Siosifa Fukofuka: siosifaF@spc.int

IATTC:  Ernesto Altamirano: ealtamirano@iattc.org and Andres Romero: aromero@iattc.org


Role: National Observer Coordinator


Country Name Email Phone Position
{{ record.party }} {{ record.name }} {{ record.email }} {{ record.phone }} {{ record.position }}
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Page Updated 26 Jun, 2024
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