Secretariat Quarterly Reports

 Second Quarter 2010

The Science Manager (SM) assumed the role of Interim Executive Director (IED) in addition to the position of the GEF-WPEA Project Manager. The key issue during the second quarter was to make the Commission’s work continue smoothly with the ED vacancy. Preparing the Scientific Committee (SC) and Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) meetings was a challenge, however, assistance from both Ms Pamela Maru (Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee, Cook Is.) for the preparation of the SC meeting and the former Compliance Manager Andrew Richards for the TCC meeting facilitated preparation in good order. The whole Secretariat conducted its work programme as planned without any significant gaps during the Secretariat’s interim period.

In April, the SM attended the stock assessment preparatory workshop in Noumea, where a new, provisional re-structuring of the SC6 meetings was framed, and Robert Campbell (Australia) led an intersessional consultation to finalize the SC6 structure. Finally, a nine-day SC meeting structure, two days less than before, was adopted intersessionally among the Commission Members, Cooperating Non-Members, and Participating Territories (CCMs),. From May to June, the SM (IED) represented WCPFC at several meetings, including the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Committee, the joint tuna RFMO workshops, and the WPEA Project related meetings. During the quarter, the Secretariat also notified that the USA had offered to host the seventh regular session of the Commission meeting in Honolulu.

The MCS section hired the new Compliance Officer to work full time on the IMS data system, where Glenn Jano moved into that position, and the Assistant Administrative Data Entry position went to competition. The section also hired the new Data Quality Officer Donald David, who will be involved in all aspects of the ROP.

In addition to supporting the transitional gap from the switch of the Secretariat’s staff, the ROP Coordinator (ROPC) assisted CCMs in the commencement on Jan 1st 2010 of the 100% observer coverage for purse seiners and catch retention as requested in Conservation and Management Measure 2008-01, verified VMS activities with observer reports, responded to the US-NMFS for additional funding for the ROP audit and ROP-related consultancies, and developed audit procedures for the auditing of sub-regional and national observer programmes that have been authorised on an interim basis to be part of the ROP. FSM and PNG had authorized release of ROP data during the second quarter. With the Compliance Manager, ROPC continued to work out the cross endorsement of observers between IATTC and WCPFC, and a draft agreement will be presented to both the WCPFC & IATTC for approval in the last quarter of this year.

Compliance Officer Glenn Jano visited the Philippines, Korea and Vanuatu during this quarter to assist Licensing Officers in their understanding of the RFV data requirements. Currently there are 6113 vessels on the record of fishing vessels and 77 on the Interim Register for Non-Member Carriers and Bunkers.

There are approximately 2,800 vessels registered on the VMS with monthly monitoring at about 1,800 vessels on the high seas. Bridging the gap for CCMs to allow them to see the Commission VMS positions in their EEZs is a key activity being pursued under Article 24(8) of the Convention and CMM 2007-02. The Cook Islands Islands the second country to act on this Article with new Zealand acting earlier in the year. New Caledonia, Palau and Philippines agreements are still under discussion and/or negotiations. Two VMS Operations officers attended VMS training at FFA Headquarter in Honiara, Solomon Islands. In May the VMS Manager visited BFAR in Manila, Philippines, to provide VMS training for their staff.

The Compliance Manager participated with the VMS manager and ROP coordinator at the FFA MCS workshop in March. The Compliance Manager also attended three Kobe II workshops in Barcelona and Brisbane on bycatch mitigation, MCS, and tuna management.

The audit of the 2009 annual accounts was completed successfully and the accounts and unqualified audit reports are posted on the Commission’s website.

In April 2010, FSM Telecom successfully launched the operation of their submarine fibre optic link between Pohnpei and Guam, and to the outside world. The Secretariat and FSM Telecom concluded contractual arrangements for a high speed 2 Mbps dedicated Internet link via VDSL to begin operations from mid June 2010. All the necessary changes to accommodate these new technologies were operational before the end of the second quarter as planned.

Download Quarterly Reports

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-2009-QTR-01 1st Quarter 2009 file attachment (104.47 KB) 7 Apr 2009
WCPFC-2009-QTR-02 2nd Quarter 2009 file attachment (56.86 KB) 7 Jul 2009
WCPFC-2009-QTR-03 3rd Quarter 2009 file attachment (55.39 KB) 29 Sep 2009
WCPFC-2009-QTR-04 4th Quarter 2009 file attachment (19.98 KB) 9 Mar 2010
WCPFC-2010-QTR-01 1st Quarter 2010 file attachment (200.13 KB) 9 Apr 2010
WCPFC-2010-QTR-02 2nd Quarter 2010 file attachment (32.82 KB) 31 Aug 2010


Page Updated 31 Aug, 2010
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