Bycatch Estimates
This page makes available an Excel file providing purse seine bycatch estimates from SC17-ST-IP-06 (Tables 6 to 9) in a more accessible format.
The estimates cover the large scale equatorial purse seine fishery operating in the WCPFC Convention Area. More information, including the coverage of estimates and estimation approach, can be found in SC17-ST-IP-06 (hyperlink provided below).
Rows 4 to 22 reproduce the tables from SC17-ST-IP-06.
Rows 28 to 46 provide tables of the mean bycatch, or the lower / upper 95% confidence limits (specified in cell B26 of each tab).
Bycatch Estimates (XLSX) - Tables 6-9, SC17-ST-IP-06 (Updated PS bycatch estimates in the WCPO) (33.49 KB)